第十六期TSI气溶胶论坛邀请到了香港城市大学助理教授宁治博士,美国康奈尔大学助理教授、香港城市大学访问学者Frederick Dane Westerdahl博士参加,并将于2014年12月5日(周五)上午9:30-11:30在地球环境研究所雁翔园区11楼小会议室做报告,与地环所师生进行交流。
报告题目:Can advanced air purification protocols protect precious historical art from urban air pollution
报告人:Frederick Dane Westerdahl
Dr. Zhi Ning is currently an Assistant Professor at the School of Energy and Environment, City University of Hong Kong. Dr. Ning has rich experience in combustion related air pollution characterization and impact on air quality in urban built environment and public exposure. Since 2002, he has been experimenting a variety of research methodologies to refine the understanding of formation mechanisms and physicochemical nature of vehicle emissions and their control measures, for example, the remote sensing measurement of gas emissions from petrol, LPG and diesel fuelled vehicles, dispersion modelling on their concentration profiles in urban environment, chassis dynamometer measurement of heavy duty diesel truck emissions with the newest engine retrofitting technologies and impact on PM emissions to evaluate future trend of emission impact on urban air quality; on-road plume chasing measurement of PM, NOx, VOC emissions in Hong Kong, and new plume sniffer method for real time high emitter detection etc. He is also an active researcher in understanding the impact of traffic emissions on the public exposure and air quality. His recent research on pedestrian exposure in Central, Hong Kong and public exposure in Hong Kong public transport systems provide important scientific support for local transport policy making.
He is also active in the R&D of air pollution related technologies including black carbon mass size and online PM2.5 carbon isotopic composition, high efficiency electrostatic precipitator, on-road plume chasing and analysis system (OPCAS) and aerosol to hydrosol air sampler (ATHAS) for PM chemistry and toxicity measurements etc. He is now the group leader of 14 research personnel and also P.I. of 7 R&D projects funded by government and other sources. He has published over 40 international journal papers, holding 2 US and P.R.China technology patents (pending) on PM2.5 sampling and chemical monitoring technology, as well as greenhouse gas sensing technology.
Frederick Dane Westerdahl简历:
Dr. Westerdahl is an Assistant Professor (courtesy) at Cornell University and until recently was a visiting scholar at City University. Prior to working with Cornell he was a program manager at the California Air Resources Board in the US for over 35 years. During this time at CARB he oversaw extensive health effects, exposure, monitoring and indoor air research activities. Dane completed his Doctorate in Environmental Science and Engineering at UCLA based on his research into particles found on and near roadways in Los Angeles, Jakarta, Barcelona and in Beijing. Central to his research has been taking advanced monitoring technologies from the laboratory into the environment where people work, play, live and commute—places important for human exposure and health risk assessment. Dane’s work in China has consisted of collecting ultrafine PM, black carbon, NOX and CO on highways which formed the basis for emission factor calculations on over 700 trucks and urban vehicles. He also made extensive measurements of urban ambient PM and black carbon mass and PM size distributions in Beijing before during and after the Olympic Games. This focus on emissions from vehicles has continued in research at CityU in Hong Kong. Beyond these studies he has participated in assessing the impacts of emissions from traffic and how they impact historic art treasures in Italy.
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